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KOWALSKI Kacper | Kosmos, composition #8 from the Flood from the Sky - Sandomierz 2010 collection, from the Side Effects series

Kacper KOWALSKI (ur. 1977)

Kosmos, composition #8 from the Flood from the Sky - Sandomierz 2010 collection, from the Side Effects series

pigment print, Canson Rag Photographique 210 g, varnish, dibond, 78 x 117.5 cm,
artist`s label of authenticity and hologram on the reverse,
edition: edition A, 5/7 + 2 a.p.

In spring 2010, southern Poland was hit by a flood. On May 19, the Vistula River recorded the highest level since 1860. The river breached the floodbanks in Sandomierz, one of the most beautiful and oldest towns in Poland. Over 100 km2 were flooded and 5000 residents evacuated. Two weeks later, another wave flooded the city, bringing about even more damage. Kowalski documented the landscape of the disaster in his own way - from the air.
The photograph was shortlisted for Leica Oskar Barnack Award 2011.
The series has won the following awards: World Press Photo 2015; Grand Press Photo - 1st prize, category: Nature - news story; BZ WBK Press Photo - 2nd prize, category: Nature - news story.
Publications: widely reproduced in Polish press; the Side Effects album (Leica Gallery, Warsaw, 2014) was rewarded in Picture Of The Year 2015, and in Moscow International Photography Awards 2014.
The photograph has been widely exhibited around the world.

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Dodatkowy opis
Nota biograficzna:
Architekt, fotograf i pilot. Jeden z najlepszych w Europie specjalistów od zdjęć z powietrza. Interesuje go relacja człowieka ze środowiskiem. Jego ujęcia charakteryzują się wyjątkową kontrolą nad kompozycją i perspektywą. Należy do grona najbardziej utytułowanych polskich fotografów. Nagradzany zarówno w Polsce, jak i na świecie w prestiżowych konkursach, World Press Photo, National Geographic Photo Award, Pictures of the Year International, Leica Oskar Barnack Award, BZ WBK Press Photo, Grand Press Photo. Ważniejsze wystawy indywidualne: Wzorki polskie, Baltic, Londyn (2009); Polska on air, Waterfront Hall, Belfast (2010); Po drugiej stronie Bałtyku - Wzorki polskie 2, House of Europe, Sztokholm (2011); Wodne impresje, Museo del Mare, Genua (2011); Sroga Zima, Galeria Pauza, Kraków (2011); Powódź z nieba, Leica Gallery, Warszawa (2011), Opolski Festiwal Fotografii (2012). Uczestnik licznych wystaw zbiorowych.
Informacje dla kupujących:

Bidders who cannot participate in the auction in person can place their bids (specifying their maximum bid) on the days directly preceding the auction. The organiser’s staff will bid on their behalf (the maximum declared bid being confidential). Bids can be submitted at the following phone numbers: +48 506 122 445, +48 22 818 94 68.
Bidders can bid for individual lots by phone, provided they contact the organiser prior to the auction.

An extra commission fee of 15% is charged by the organiser on the hammer price. The fee is also charged on any post-auction sale.

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